It’s time to celebrate the big green and blue beautiful globe we call home! National Earth Day reminds us of many things to celebrate and be thankful for. Just as Mother Earth has provided for us, it’s important to take care of and protect her as best we can. Here are four easy ways to celebrate National Earth Day and give back to our wonderful world!
1. Clean up: It’s imperative to keep our world as clean as we can. There are many ways to clean up our communities. American Legend Homes encourages you to organize a group of neighbors to volunteer to gather trash that’s been discarded in your neighborhoods.
2. Challenge yourself: One of the best ways to celebrate National Earth Day is to challenge yourself to ride your bike or walk somewhere to reduce emissions coming from car. Walking and bike riding are also great forms of exercise, so while you take care of the Earth, you are also taking care of your health! American Legend Homes also encourages everyone to find carpool buddies when it comes to taking the kids to school, riding to a friend's house or even just meeting up with friends at a local restaurant. Carpooling is a great way to reduce the number of cars on the road and fumes going into the air!
3. Support our environment: Showing our support for our environment can look like many different things. You can get plugged into the recycling program in your community or even support local environmentally friendly businesses. Do what you can to encourage your favorite businesses to reduce packaging or pledge to make more purchases based on environmentally friendly packaging.
4. Re-use what you can: Re-using everything you can is a genius way to help our environment. Saving the boxes you receive throughout the year to make good Christmas present boxes, repurposing can and jars from the grocery store as other storage containers, and re-using old t-shirts as cleaning rags are all wonderful ways to reduce the amount of trash going out into our landfills.
If you are looking for more ways to celebrate Earth Day, to work toward significant changes in your community, or just ways to teach your kids about the importance of the day, click here. Making our world a priority is a way to make sure we get to enjoy it that much longer. Earth is our home and it is important to show some love on our National Earth Day. A happy Earth makes for a happy home!